Friday, May 17, 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria

At the May 17 PSO meeting we will hold an election for next year’s executive board positions.  This includes President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Volunteer Coordinator, and we need your vote!

Each and every parent or guardian of a Mary Woodward student is a voting member of the PSO, regardless of whether you regularly attend the meetings.  On May 17 we will also fill committee positions for the upcoming year.  A complete list of positions can be found on the PSO website.

If you are unfamiliar with the PSO, please see the FAQ below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Am I a member of the PSO? Yes!  Every parent or guardian of a Mary Woodward student is a voting member of the PSO.
  • Do I have to pay dues? No. There are no dues associated with the PSO.
  • Who can run for a position? Anyone, even you! In addition to the executive board positions, there are a number of volunteer positions that need to be filled each year.
  • How do I submit my name for a position? Contact the current board president, Cody Melby, at  You must submit your name by May 10, one week in advance of the meeting.
  • I see there is already someone running the committee I’m interested in. Can I still help?  Yes!  Ideally, a committee consists of a group of people all working toward the same goal, and many hands make light work.
  • Does the PSO really need my help? Absolutely, and now more than ever!  Unfilled committee positions can lead to events – including much-loved events like the daughter dance and carnival – being cancelled.  It takes the help of each and every family to maintain the level of quality events Mary Woodward holds each year.
  • What does the PSO actually do? Besides throwing an amazing auction and carnival each year, the PSO is involved in important decisions like funding reading assistants for the year, allocating additional funds for the fifth grade field trip to OMSI, and sponsoring the Art Lit program.
  • What if I’ve never attended a meeting? It doesn’t matter.  The meeting on May 17 would be a great time to get yourself acquainted with the PSO, and an important opportunity to help choose next year’s leadership.
  • What happens at the PSO meetings? The agenda typically includes a principal’s report (this is everyone’s favorite part of the agenda, as you get an inside view of what’s happening at the school), treasurer’s report, and an update on any upcoming events.  The agenda can also include other items as submitted to the president in advance of the meeting.
  • I have something I want to discuss. How do I submit an agenda item?  Email the current president, Cody Melby, at in advance of the meeting to have your agenda item included.  Be prepared to attend the upcoming meeting and lead that part of the agenda.
  • Why is it important that I attend or at least keep myself informed? Because this school belongs to you and your student, and many important decisions are being made by a very small group of meeting attendees.  The PSO functions best when decisions are made by a large group of engaged members.
  • What if I can’t attend the meetings? You can still keep yourself informed by reading the PSO newsletter and checking out the meeting minutes posted on the PSO website.  You can also email our current president, Cody Melby, at with any questions or concerns you have.
  • Can I bring younger siblings to the meeting? Of course!

For more information about the PSO or the upcoming elections, please contact PSO President Cody Melby at  We hope to see you on May 17!