May 11 is the final PSO meeting of the school year, and we will be holding elections for next year’s Board. We are currently recruiting for:

  • President – Duties include creating next year’s calendar of events, running the monthly PSO meetings, co-signing checks with the Treasurer, and helping to create the recommended budget.
  • President Elect – Duties include shadowing the President to understand the role and filling it the following year, helping with recruitment, running the PSO meeting in the event that the President is unavailable, and reviewing the Treasurer’s bank reconciliation monthly.
  • Secretary – The main duty is to take the minutes at the monthly PSO meeting and to make sure they get posted to the PSO website after they are approved. If the PSO decides to bring back the Directory in some form, the Secretary would manage the project. The Secretary can also be a co-signer of checks.

We also have a few open Committee Chair positions available:

  • Family Events – Pick a friend to co-chair this committee and plan some fun events for our Mary Woodward families.
  • Staff Appreciation – Pick a friend to co-chair this committee and plan fabulous ways to show our appreciation for the Mary Woodard staff members throughout the year.
  • Picture Day – Help the photographers get fantastic photos of our students and staff.
  • Auction Chair(s) – Grab a friend or two and get started on planning next year’s second major PSO fundraiser!
  • Art Lit – Join Laura Wieking and Kari Vandergriff as the third co-chair to learn the ropes of the PSO’s largest committee and to train to take the lead.
  • Holiday Bazaar – Did you miss this event this year? Be the Chair of the committee that advertises this event and signs up vendors to participate in this longtime annual Mary Woodward event.
  • Cultural Fair – Create a cultural event that celebrates Mary Woodward’s diversity!

Please contact Carlene Turpen at or Karen Emerson at with any questions about these positions or to express your interest.